
Contemporary research processes must adapt to leverage and manage the increasingly growing number of research outputsavailable, including data, methods, and other results.

Additionally, as research production is getting faster, and in some cases even time-sensitive (e.g., COVID), all the supporting structures have to be fine-tuned to minimize the time required from the idea to the results generation, and to the results dissemination. The path must be shortened between the innovations and their implementation in the production environments. One of the key enablers is the findability, accessibility, and reusability of the research outputs as well as integration of research processes with the R&E infrastructures. EOSC is addressing the findability of scientific products across the different domains and repositories

coupling it with the available resources from infrastructures through services. In Poland, the national research and education network PIONIER acts as EOSC core, accumulating tools and services to facilitate shortening of the time to research for Polish scientists. ICT infrastructures, such as network and resources for data storage and processing are complemented with the services for implementation of accessibility policies, and standardized description of the research products itself. On top of these core services, PIONIER provides access to several EOSC exchange services tailored to Polish needs providing advanced research enabling capabilities, and supporting the adoption of FAIR and Open Science practices.

EOSC Day Poland is an event aimed at the scientists, researchers, and representatives of R&E sector.

EOSC Days Poland is an event aimed at the scientists, researchers, and representatives of R&E sector responsible for the management of products of the research process. The goal of the event is to introduce the best practices and an EOSC-based toolset for the management of research products.

EOSC Days Poland offers a full day programme in the presence of the key actors in European Open Science Cloud: European Commission, EOSC Association, representatives of the neighbouring countries and national policy makers, funding agencies, and R&E institutions.
